Friday, April 11, 2008

Fitness update 4/11

Here's a little fitness update - maybe it will be easier if I do it weekly rather than daily.

I strained a ligament in my back on March 31, then over the weekend I actually threw a vertebra out of whack. The chiropractor really helped my ligament last week, and on Monday he fixed the vertebra in about 5 seconds. My back feels a lot better.

I lifted weights hard on Monday and Wednesday. I ran with Tim at lunchtime today. So, not a bad week. It felt good to get out there.

I plan to go back to my regular routine of basketball 1-2x per week, running 1-2x per week, and weights 1-2x per week. I hadn't been exercising nearly enough in February and March. I also wasn't lifting weights at all. I think that is critical so that I can keep everything in good enough condition to handle all this exercise.

I've been eating better than usual, having a salad for lunch a couple times this week and some reasonable dinners, and avoiding (somewhat) sweets.

I'll play basketball next week and see how it feels.

- schneid

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