Monday, June 23, 2008

World of Warcrack

In college, I spent a lot of time playing MUDs - Multi-user dimensions, which were a precursor to the massively multiplayer online role-playing games (MMORPG) of today, like World of Warcraft. I eventually became a programmer for some of those MUDs, including the famous HERO MUD. After college, I stopped playing.

Shortly after Ben was born, I borrowed Might and Magic 5 or 6 from a friend. That game is a single player game and isn't even very good, and I played it in all my spare time for a month. I believe Suzette's exact words were "It's us or the game". I gave it back and made my friend promise not to let me borrow it.

A week ago, Suzette gave me a subscription to World of Warcraft for Father's Day.

I am proud to say without any uncertainty and beyond a shadow of a doubt, that I must stop playing this game right now. It's so thoroughly addicting and the hugest time suck. While playing, you check the time and think 30 minutes have gone by, and it's been 3 hours. And I'm not even playing with a group of people, just soloing.

There's a reason they refer to it as World of Warcrack. It's highly addictive. Just like giving samples to kiddies, they give a 10-day free trial, knowing you will get hooked. And I am.

Fortunately, I used the 10-day free trial instead of the subscription, knowing what might happen. I'm going to Target to trade it in for something less addictive like heroin. :) There's a reason that we have never owned an Xbox or other gaming system. Hmm, I wonder if they have those at Target?

- schneid

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wise, wise move. I am an addict. Must quit. Will delete all my characters and my account, I swear. Tomorrow, that is, after I finish one more quest tonight.