Monday, September 10, 2007

Summer Volleyball Second Place

Here's our summer volleyball team, To Kill a Blocking Nerd. From L-R, Jim, Westy, Mike, and Schneid.

Well, we took second place again in summer volleyball at Tellabs. We played decently overall. We've never taken a game against the team that beat us in three matches this summer, and probably a couple matches in 2006. We'll get to play them again in the fall league once or twice. They're good sports and we really enjoy playing them, it would just be nice to win. They're very consistent and don't make a lot of mistakes, but if we played our best, we could win.

- schneid


Kevin Makice said...

You don't look nearly as tough as Mike. Or as tall as Jim. But it looks like you sweat more than Westy.

schneid said...


I never liked you.

- schneid

PS: I'm taller, tougher, and sweatier than you!