Sunday, October 07, 2007

Hanging out with Tim M

Tim M just became a Green Beret! He passed the Selection last year, and just finished the Special Forces Qualification Course which is almost a year of training. Not only did he complete it, he did a fantastic job. And it's not easy for an old man like Tim. Bahaha! Congratulations Tim!

Tim was in town for the weekend to see his parents, so I drove up to Woodstock to partake in some beverages and lively conversation. We went to some dive bar in Woodstock, and I didn't know the Bears game was on...but believe me, when I walked into the bar, I knew it. The place was jammed with rowdy young people wearing Bears jerseys and face paint. They didn't look old enough to be in a bar. Guess I'm getting old. We were able to find a quiet spot to talk. I always enjoy our social and political discussions. Tim will move back to Chicago in January. He's in the National Guard, so despite being a Green Beret, his military commitment is still only a few weeks a year unless he gets called to active duty.

- schneid

1 comment:

Kevin Makice said...

Congratulations to Tim (and thanks for forwarding the account of the two-decade journey to Beretdom).

I know he was only in town for a little while, but ... YOU DIDN'T WATCH THE GAME???